“How Do We Communicate, Including Tips for Improving Your Memory” –

Celeste Palmer
Speaker: Celeste Palmer –
Improve memory by playing games, socializing and good nutrition. We’ve heard all that. What do coffee, berries and chewing gum have to do with improving your memory? How do we sound to others? Do you think about how others will hear your words? Have you been offended by someone else only to find out that isn’t what they meant? Communication is an art. With a little humor and thought we can enjoy the conversation!
Celeste Palmer graduated from the Drucker School of Management at Claremont Graduate University after a near fatal car accident left her with total amnesia, PTSD and Post-Concussion Syndrome. She founded Bridging the Gap connecting Traumatic Brain Injury Survivors, a 501c3 organization, with encouragement from Peter Drucker. BTG (www.tbibridge.org) provides support groups for survivors, caregivers, and families, and awards scholarships at Citrus Community College for veterans with TBI. Today Celeste is a speaker, author and coach for those looking for inspiration and a change of direction toward their goals with a little fun along the way! She is a past president of the University Club.
Introduction: Bob Smith
Fellowship: Anne Sonner
Greeters: Bob Knell and Julia Arias