“A Meeting with Franklin Delano Roosevelt” –

Peter M. Small
Speaker: Peter M. Small, Historical Character Actor –
FDR, played by historical character actor Peter Small, will educate and entertain us. The fedora hat, extended cigarette filter, and wheelchair are some of the props that FDR will bring to the University Club. We meet FDR as he looks back on his accomplishments as president, and ahead to victory in World War II and rebuilding the post-war world. Bring your questions for FDR!
In his first career, Peter Small taught history at schools in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles. He developed programs with costumed presentations for his classes, which became memorable and enjoyable lessons for his pupils. We have met him at past University Club meetings as Thomas Jefferson, Harry Truman, and Golda Meir.
Introduction: Mel Boynton
Fellowship: Lori McGrath
Greeter: Peter Boniface