“Searching for Sculptor Albert Stewart”
Speaker – Anne Sonner –

Anne Sonner
Albert Stewart (1900-65) created several pieces of art for the Claremont United Church of Christ, where Anne Sonner is historian (following in the big shoes of Doug MacKenzie). Research on Stewart and his sculpture ranged from Stewart’s roots in Europe, youth in NYC, and sculpture on buildings around the country, to his involvement with Scripps College and the Claremont Mid-Century Modern art community. Anne made it a mission – or scavenger hunt – to find all of Stewart’s art in Claremont – both in plain view and hidden. This led to many tangents, such as trying to find out what happened to Stewart’s eagle sculptures that were in the old San Francisco old mint.
Anne is a graduate of Pitzer College. She writes about church and art history, genealogy, and sometimes plumbing. She has been University Club secretary for a few years.
Introduction: Donna Bernard
Fellowship: Wes Hawks
Greeters: Pat Kelly, Art Parker