“The Importance of Thinking Spatially”–

Dr. Michael Phoenix
Speaker: Dr. Michael Phoenix, manager of Education Solutions at ESRI Redlands (1992-2008)–
Dr. Michael Phoenix has visited 120 countries and given this talk all over the world. He will discuss space-based applications of Geographic Information Science (GIS) and the importance of critical thinking.
ESRI, the world’s leading provider of data collected from satellites, is headquartered in Redlands. At ESRI Dr. Phoenix helped schools gain access to spatial analysis tools and understand GIS – a computer system for capturing, storing, checking, and displaying data related to positions on Earth’s surface.
Dr. Phoenix earned a Ph.D. in geography from Clark University in Massachusetts. Before joining ESRI in 1992, he taught geography and GIS at universities in the eastern U.S. He has also worked in Asia, Latin America, and Africa for a variety of organizations including the U.S. Peace Corps, the U.S. Agency for International Development and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees.
Introduction: Joe Silva
Fellowship: Anne Sonner
Greeter: Peter Boniface