“Disaster Medical Assistance: World Trade Center, Katrina and Beyond”–

Susan Lominska
Speaker: Susan Lominska, Family Nurse Practitioner–
Our speaker today belongs to a Federal Disaster Medical Assistance Team. The goal of DMAT teams is to “provide the best of medical care in the worst of times.” Her team is on call 3 times a year, and she may also be asked to back up other teams across the country. She must be packed and ready to go when placed on alert, with personal gear suitable for austere conditions. If deployed the team is given 12 hours notice by the National Disaster Medical System, which is under the Health and Human Services Branch of the Federal Government. A partial list of disasters to which she been deployed include the World Trade Center, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Operation “Provide Refuge” to assist Kosovo refugees who were evacuated to the US, the Air Alaska Crash in Ventura, Hurricane Michael and the Camp Fire, all of which she will describe. She has also had the opportunity to do joint disaster training in the Ukraine.
Susan received a Masters Degree in Nursing as a Family Nurse Practitioner in 1988 from UCLA, and has had additional specialized training in disaster relief.
Introduction: Anne Sonner
Fellowship: Andy Winnick
Greeters: Bob Knell and Julia Arias
Birthdays: Jane Boyer