“Stories” –

Ron Evans
Speaker: Ron Evans, Master Storyteller
Among his many talents, our speaker today is indeed a master storyteller. As a special pre-Valentine’s day treat, be prepared for anything. There is no telling what stories he will tell on any occasion, whether about teenagers in a small sailboat sailing across the English Channel to rescue British soldiers stranded on the shores of Dunkirk, or experiences with a talking dog. When asked: “Is that story true?,” he has answered “It’s not whether the story is true – it’s whether there is truth in the story.” During the holiday season, every second year he recites Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol” at Pilgrim Place to large crowds, and has presented at many other venues as well.
Ron has had a varied career, to say the least, as a rated sports official, steeplejack, fire fighter, and NPR commentator. His served with the YMCA in East Africa and Geneva, taught in New England prep schools and Yale University, and served as senior pastor at two congregations in New England. He was educated at Yale and Cambridge. This is a program you will not forget, because his stories often get to the heart of what it means to be human, told with humor and enlightenment. Bring friends!
Introduction: Tom Helliwell
Fellowship: Art Sutton
Greeters: Pat Kelly, Art Parker