Alternative Transportation and the Claremont Senior Bike Group –

Tom Shelley
Speaker: Tom Shelley, CSBG safety officer and senior cyclist
Several of our club members are regular bicycle riders. We’ve invited Tom Shelley, safety officer of the Claremont Senior Bike Group (CSBG), to share his insights on the pro and con of cycling. Tom grew up in California and has a degree in mechanical engineering from Arizona State University. He spent his career managing construction projects in the western US, Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Tom has always been into bicycling, having acquired his first bike at age four. After moving to Claremont, Tom and his wife Barbara joined CSBG and became active organizing cycling activities. He is presently on the organizing committee for the Tour de Foothills and is the unofficial safety officer for CSBG. This came about in 2011 when the City of Claremont received a grant to provide a “Safe Routes to Schools” program. To help train elementary school kids on alternative transportation, the city sponsored Tom to become a League of America Bike safety instructor.
Introduction: Ray Bragg
Fellowship: Tom Helliwell
Greeters: Sam Mansour and Bob Knell
Birthdays: Beth Smith